- a combining form representing muscle in compound words:
Example Sentences
The following description refers to a mixed sensori-motor trunk, such as the median or radial (musculo-spiral) nerve.
Many of the most severe cases I saw were in the musculo-spiral nerve.
Pulsation qualifies not merely the nutrient life but the musculo-motor activity as well.
In the “musculo-epithelial” cells of Hydra, the elongated basal portion of the cell alone possesses this contractility.
The patient left for England a month later; the musculo-spiral paralysis was improving.
Words That Use musculo-
What does musculo- mean?
Musculo– is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “muscle.” It is occasionally used in medical terms, especially in anatomy.
Musculo– comes from Latin mūsculus, meaning “muscle.” However, the literal meaning of mūsculus is “little mouse”; the term is a diminutive of mūs “mouse,” which is also the source of murine, which refers to a subfamily of rodents. To learn more, read our entry for murine.
What are variants of musculo-?
When combined with words or word elements that begin with a vowel, musculo– becomes muscul-, as in muscular.
Examples of musculo-
One example of a medical term that uses musculo– is musculotropic, “of, affecting, acting upon, or attracted to muscular tissue.”
While musculo– means “muscle,” the –tropic portion of the word refers to “having an affinity for,” from Greek trópos, meaning “turn.” Musculotropic literally translates to “having an affinity for muscle.”
What are some words that use the combining form musculo-?
- musculoaponeurotic
- musculocutaneous
- musculomembranous
- musculophrenic vein
- musculoskeletal
- musculotubal canal
What are some other forms that musculo– may be commonly confused with?
Break it down!
The word skeletal means “of, relating to, or like a skeleton.” With this in mind, what is the musculoskeletal system?