

Oslo Accord

  1. An agreement brokered by Norway after months of secret negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1993. By its terms, Israel and the PLO recognized each other. The PLO renounced terrorism , and Israel agreed to withdraw its military and civil authorities from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho, granting self-rule to Palestinians in these areas and a lesser degree of self-rule to other parts of the Occupied Territories . Although the accord put off consideration of the thorny issues of Israeli settlements on the West Bank and the status of Jerusalem (see also Jerusalem ), it set 1999 as a deadline for a final agreement. Subsequent negotiations to resolve these issues failed, however.

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Though favored by moderates in both camps, the Oslo Accord was rejected by Hamas and Syria 's president Hafez al- Assad . Yitzhak Rabin , Israel's premier when the accord was reached, was assassinated by an Israeli law student in 1995.
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Example Sentences

Today Peres is widely respected as the architect of the Oslo Accord of 1993, achieved while he was Foreign Minister.





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