primary color
- Art. a color, as red, yellow, or blue, that in mixture yields other colors. Compare complementary color ( def 1 ), secondary color, tertiary color.
- Optics. any of a set of monochromatic colors, as red, green, and blue, that are added to match or specify the chromaticity of a stimulus or sample.
Word History and Origins
Origin of primary color1
Example Sentences
The avocado green casserole dishes in the “Spring Blossom” print and classic mixing bowls, sold in sets of primary colors, have held countless top-secret family recipes and decorated the dinner tables of multiple generations.
The first iconic pieces, introduced in 1943, are a set of mixing bowls in classic primary colors — red, blue, green, and yellow.
The printing process for Ektachrome, like any other color photography, involves dyes or ink in the primary colors cyan, magenta, and yellow, and the cyan in Ektachrome from the 1960s turned out to be unstable.
Among the mellow pigments of the Roman canvas she was a glaring splotch of primary color.
As a primary color, it is much more rarely seen in nature than either red or yellow.
His mind filed it away together with a primary-color picture of Jiggs and Maggie.
They usually contain a mixture of a primary color common to both.
Both these experiments may be made with the primary color wheel or color top.