
View synonyms for see



[ see ]

verb (used with object)

, saw, seen, see·ing.
  1. to perceive with the eyes; look at.

    Synonyms: regard, behold, discern, distinguish, notice, observe

  2. to view; visit or attend as a spectator:

    to see a play.

  3. to perceive by means of computer vision.
  4. to scan or view, especially by electronic means:

    The satellite can see the entire southern half of the country.

  5. to perceive (things) mentally; discern; understand:

    to see the point of an argument.

    Synonyms: comprehend, penetrate

  6. to construct a mental image of; visualize:

    He still saw his father as he was 25 years ago.

  7. to accept or imagine or suppose as acceptable:

    I can't see him as president.

  8. to be cognizant of; recognize:

    to see the good in others;

    to see where the mistake is.

  9. to foresee:

    He could see war ahead.

  10. to ascertain, learn, or find out:

    See who is at the door.

    Synonyms: determine

  11. to have knowledge or experience of:

    to see service in the foreign corps.

    Synonyms: undergo, know

  12. to make sure:

    See that the work is done.

  13. to meet and converse with:

    Are you seeing her at lunch today?

  14. to receive as a visitor:

    The ambassador finally saw him.

  15. to visit:

    He's gone to see his aunt.

  16. to court, keep company with, or date frequently:

    They've been seeing each other for a long time.

  17. to provide aid or assistance to; take care of:

    He's seeing his brother through college.

  18. to attend or escort:

    to see someone home.

    Synonyms: escort, accompany

  19. Cards. to match (a bet) or match the bet of (a bettor) by staking an equal sum; call:

    I'll see your five and raise you five more.

  20. to prefer (someone or something) to be as indicated (usually used as a mild oath):

    I'll see you in hell before I sell you this house. He'll see the business fail before he admits he's wrong.

  21. to read or read about:

    I saw it in the newspaper.

verb (used without object)

, saw, seen, see·ing.
  1. to have the power of sight.
  2. to be capable of perceiving by means of computer vision.
  3. to understand intellectually or spiritually; have insight:

    Philosophy teaches us to see.

  4. to give attention or care:

    See, there it goes.

  5. to find out; make inquiry:

    Go and see for yourself.

  6. to consider; think; deliberate:

    Let me see, how does that song go?

  7. to look about; observe:

    They heard the noise and came out to see.

verb phrase

  1. to take leave of someone setting out on a journey; accompany to the place of departure:

    I went to the airport to see them off.

  2. to attend to; take care of:

    Will you please see after my plants while I'm away?

  3. to take care of; be responsible for:

    I'll see to the theater tickets.

  4. to remain with (a task, project, etc.) until its completion:

    We decided to see it out, even if it meant another year.

    1. to investigate; inquire about.
    2. to turn one's attention to; take care of:

      He said he would see about getting the license plates.

    1. to penetrate to the true nature of; comprehend; detect:

      He quickly saw through my story.

    2. to stay with to the end or until completion; persevere:

      to see a difficult situation through.



[ see ]


, Ecclesiastical.
  1. the seat, center of authority, office, or jurisdiction of a bishop.



/ siː /


  1. the diocese of a bishop, or the place within it where his cathedral or procathedral is situated See also Holy See
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ siː /


  1. to perceive with the eyes
  2. when tr, may take a clause as object to perceive (an idea) mentally; understand

    I explained the problem but he could not see it

  3. tr to perceive with any or all of the senses

    I hate to see you so unhappy

  4. tr; may take a clause as object to be aware of in advance; foresee

    I can see what will happen if you don't help

  5. when tr, may take a clause as object to ascertain or find out (a fact); learn

    see who is at the door

  6. whentr, takes a clause as object; when intr, foll by to to make sure (of something) or take care (of something)

    see that he gets to bed early

  7. when tr, may take a clause as object to consider, deliberate, or decide

    see if you can come next week

  8. tr to have experience of; undergo

    he had seen much unhappiness in his life

  9. tr to allow to be in a specified condition

    I cannot stand by and see a child in pain

  10. tr to be characterized by

    this period of history has seen much unrest

  11. tr to meet or pay a visit to

    to see one's solicitor

  12. tr to receive, esp as a guest or visitor

    the Prime Minister will see the deputation now

  13. tr to frequent the company of

    she is seeing a married man

  14. tr to accompany or escort

    I saw her to the door

  15. tr to refer to or look up

    for further information see the appendix

  16. (in gambling, esp in poker) to match (another player's bet) or match the bet of (another player) by staking an equal sum
  17. as far as I can see
    to the best of my judgment or understanding
  18. see fit
    takes an infinitive to consider proper, desirable, etc

    I don't see fit to allow her to come here

  19. see someone hanged first or see someone damned first informal.
    to refuse absolutely to do what one has been asked
  20. see someone right informal.
    to ensure fair treatment of (someone)

    if he has cheated you, I'll see you right

  21. see the light or see the light of day
    See light 1
  22. see you or see you later or be seeing you
    an expression of farewell
  23. you see informal.
    a parenthetical filler phrase used to make a pause in speaking or add slight emphasis
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˈseeable, adjective
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Other Words From

  • seea·ble adjective
  • seea·ble·ness noun
  • un·seea·ble adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of see1

First recorded before 900; Middle English sen, seen, se, Old English sēon, sēan, sían; cognate with Dutch zien, German sehen, Old Norse sjā, Gothic saihwan

Origin of see2

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English se(e), sce, sse, from Old French sie,se, sce, from Latin sēdes “seat”
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Word History and Origins

Origin of see1

C13: from Old French sed, from Latin sēdēs a seat; related to sedēre to sit

Origin of see2

Old English sēon; related to Old Norse sjā, Gothic saihwan, Old Saxon sehan
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Idioms and Phrases

  • as far as I can see
  • begin to see daylight
  • can't see beyond the end of one's nose
  • can't see the forest for the trees
  • I'll be seeing you
  • I see
  • let me see
  • long time no see
  • so I see
  • wait and see
  • seen
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Synonym Study

See watch.
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Example Sentences

We see detoxing as a path to transcendence, a symbol of modern urban virtue and self-transformation through abstinence.

Harris is unlikely to see a challenge from Villaraigosa, either.

We do see that a few European countries have them on the books: Germany, Poland, Italy, Ireland, a couple more.

Several times, either because they forgot or they had a technical problem, they connected directly, and we could see them.

That would truly be a milestone to celebrate—until you see what that record “diversity” actually means.

And to tell the truth, she couldn't help wishing he could see, so he could make the game livelier.

I waited three months more, in great impatience, then sent him back to the same post, to see if there might be a reply.

You see, I'd always thought of him as the boy whom Great-aunt Lucia described having seen.

He shrank, as from some one who inflicted pain as a child, unwittingly, to see what the effect would be.

On to Gaba Tepe just in time to see the opening, the climax and the end of the dreaded Turkish counter attack.


Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.




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