

View synonyms for self-absorbed


[ self-ab-sawrbd, -zawrbd, self- ]


  1. preoccupied with one's own thoughts, interests, etc., especially to the extent that other people and things go unnoticed:

    She was criticized for being too self-absorbed, but she was an inventor, and when struck by an idea she had to shut the world out in order to focus on it.



  1. preoccupied with one's own thoughts, emotions, life, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of self-absorbed1

First recorded in 1840–50
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Example Sentences

In Confessions of an Ivy League Frat Boy, the self-induced, self-absorbed Greek tragedy of Andrew Lohse.

She has a hard time getting the self-absorbed, self-loathing D-lister to open up (in between booze binges).

The self-absorbed Bluth parents adopted Annyong from Korea for a better PR spin.

It was all self-absorbed, shabby and suggestive of a leader about to take her troops over a cliff.

The move was ill-advised—he lost handily—and Michelle felt it showed how self-absorbed her husband was.

At present, Louis was too self-absorbed by the struggles within him, to look deep into what was passing around him.

Edna looked straight before her with a self-absorbed expression upon her face.

The more self-absorbed the actors showed themselves, the more keenly interested Minetta became.

The girl was an enigmatic creature, silent, self-absorbed, shrinking from the give-and-take of social life.

He had been silent and self-absorbed from the first, but he had never quite given up hope.


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More About Self Absorbed

What does self-absorbed mean?

Self-absorbed is an adjective used to describe a person who’s preoccupied with their own wants and needs.

When used in this term, the word absorbed means deeply preoccupied or totally wrapped up in something—in this case, oneself.

Self-absorbed is almost always used negatively. When you call people self-absorbed, it usually means you think they only think about and care about themselves.

The term is typically used to describe a person’s overall personality (as opposed to their behavior on a certain day or at a certain time).

The state of being self-absorbed is called self-absorption (notice how the b becomes a p in the noun absorption).

Example: My therapist helped me to see how self-absorbed I was, only ever thinking about myself and making everything about me.

Where does self-absorbed come from?

The first records of the term self-absorbed come from the 1800s. The term is formed in the same way as its very close synonym self-centered. People who are self-centered are centered on themselves, and people who are self-absorbed are completely absorbed (totally preoccupied) with themselves.

We call people self-absorbed when it seems like they’re incapable of thinking of anything other than themselves. People who are self-absorbed will always find a way to talk about themselves, no matter what the topic of conversation is. When you try to talk to a self-absorbed person about your problems, they end up making everything about them.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to self-absorbed?

What are some synonyms for self-absorbed?

What are some words that share a root or word element with self-absorbed

What are some words that often get used in discussing self-absorbed?


How is self-absorbed used in real life?

Self-absorbed is almost always used negatively as a way to criticize people who only seem to be interested in themselves and their own needs.



Try using self-absorbed!

Which of the following words would NOT be used to describe someone who’s considered self-absorbed?

A. selfless
B. narcissistic
C. egotistical
D. vain



