

View synonyms for skepticism


or scep·ti·cism

[ skep-tuh-siz-uhm ]


  1. skeptical attitude or temper; doubt.

    Synonyms: questioning

  2. doubt or unbelief with regard to a religion, especially Christianity.

    Synonyms: agnosticism, atheism, disbelief

    Antonyms: faith

  3. (initial capital letter) the doctrines or opinions of philosophical Skeptics; universal doubt.


  1. In philosophy , the position that what cannot be proved by reason should not be believed. One of the main tasks of epistemology is to find an answer to the charge of some extreme skeptics that no knowledge is possible.

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Other Words From

  • anti·skepti·cism noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of skepticism1

First recorded in 1640–50; from New Latin scepticismus; equivalent to skeptic + -ism
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Example Sentences

I also believe that we should always have a healthy skepticism of our institutions, of our politicians, and our government.

From Fortune

The idea that options buyers could drive extreme rallies in technology stocks — and push benchmark indexes to record highs — has drawn skepticism in the past.

From Fortune

Harder to address is skepticism about corporations and governments tinkering with nature.

Let’s forecast only a partial comeback for the banks, combined with continuing skepticism about their future.

From Fortune

For example, Shopify Studios may have been met with skepticism when pitching “I Quit” to show buyers at TV networks and streaming services.

From Digiday

In Romneyland, the super PAC is being met with real suspicion and skepticism.

But the senior Air Force official expressed deep skepticism that such a weapon could be both small and far-reaching.

It appears that even the president sensed his announcement would be greeted with skepticism.

House and Senate skepticism of the program is at its highest point ever.

When I express skepticism that the beads are doing anything, I get pushback that the kids have been healthy since wearing them.

It is intelligent, earnest young men of brains and capacity who are in special danger from the skepticism of the age.

My face burned as though a whip had been laid across it when I recalled her frank skepticism of my ability to support a wife.

Skepticism is but a state of indecision which results from a superficial examination of subjects.

His skepticism, therefore, may be said to have been the result of thought, not of passion.

In Euripides, we see the first fatal symptoms of the skepticism and materialism which finally overtook the Greek stage.




