

View synonyms for symmetry


[ sim-i-tree ]


, plural sym·me·tries.
  1. the correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, line, or point; regularity of form or arrangement in terms of like, reciprocal, or corresponding parts.

    Synonyms: correspondence, concord, consonance

    Antonyms: asymmetry

  2. the proper or due proportion of the parts of a body or whole to one another with regard to size and form; excellence of proportion.
  3. beauty based on or characterized by such excellence of proportion.
  4. Mathematics.
    1. a geometrical or other regularity that is possessed by a mathematical object and is characterized by the operations that leave the object invariant:

      A circle has rotational symmetry and reflection symmetry.

    2. a rotation or translation of a plane figure that leaves the figure unchanged although its position may be altered.
  5. Physics. a property of a physical system that is unaffected by certain mathematical transformations as, for example, the work done by gravity on an object, which is not affected by any change in the position from which the potential energy of the object is measured.


/ ˈsɪmɪtrɪ /


  1. similarity, correspondence, or balance among systems or parts of a system
  2. maths an exact correspondence in position or form about a given point, line, or plane See symmetrical
  3. beauty or harmony of form based on a proportionate arrangement of parts
  4. physics the independence of a property with respect to direction; isotropy


/ sĭmĭ-trē /

  1. An exact matching of form and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a boundary, such as a plane or line, or around a central point or axis.


  1. In geometry , the equivalence, point for point, of a figure on opposite sides of a point, line , or plane .

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Other Words From

  • anti·symme·try adjective noun
  • non·symme·try noun plural nonsymmetries

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Word History and Origins

Origin of symmetry1

1535–45; from Latin symmetria from Greek symmetría “commensurateness.” See sym-, -metry

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Word History and Origins

Origin of symmetry1

C16: from Latin symmetria, from Greek summetria proportion, from syn- + metron measure

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Synonym Study

Symmetry, balance, proportion, harmony are terms used, particularly in the arts, to denote qualities based upon a correspondence or agreement, usually pleasing, among the parts of a whole. Symmetry implies either a quantitative equality of parts ( the perfect symmetry of pairs of matched columns ) or a unified system of subordinate parts: the symmetry of a well-ordered musical composition. Balance implies equality of parts, often as a means of emphasis: Balance in sentences may emphasize the contrast in ideas. Proportion depends less upon equality of parts than upon that agreement among them that is determined by their relation to a whole: The dimensions of the room gave a feeling of right proportion. Harmony, a technical term in music, may also suggest the pleasing quality that arises from a just ordering of parts in other forms of artistic composition: harmony of line, color, mass, phrase, ideas.

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Example Sentences

But, he says, what ultimately makes a hat look good on a person is the symmetry of the crown of their head to their jaw line.

In a nice bit of symmetry, 56% of Democrats said that Bush should be impeached in July of 2007, according to a Rasmussen survey.

Somehow, finding a Jew to blame makes up sort of deep symmetry that allows people to comfort themselves that they have an answer.

The symmetry of their experiences only made her more determined to continue her journey.

And he might very well have felt the power of such poetic symmetry.

If now we turn to the higher aspects of form, such as symmetry and proportion, we encounter a difficulty.

Among the ladies of "gentle blood," however, there is more of the asserted aristocratic symmetry and beauty than among the men.

The cubicula were also defaced, their symmetry injured, and their construction endangered by similar imprudent excavations.

He had such a good sense of symmetry that his piles were always extremely neat.

We perceive art in the arrangement of sentences, in the rhythm, in the symmetry of construction.


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