

View synonyms for theoretically


[ thee-uh-ret-ik-lee ]


  1. in principle; according to reasonable assumptions or rules, as opposed to what actually happens:

    Theoretically they are free to work, but in practice they can’t because we do not recognize their credentials.

  2. in a way that is purely speculative; hypothetically:

    It seems that theoretically the central bank could constrain government spending by allowing treasury checks to bounce.

  3. according to, or in a way that relates to, a scientific theory:

    An alloy with a particular composition can be modeled to determine theoretically whether it has suitable mechanical and physical properties for medical applications.

  4. in a way that relates to the set of principles or methods belonging to a particular subject, art, or activity:

    Taking classes in all four fields—politics, economics, history, and culture—allows students to be grounded theoretically in the humanities and social sciences.

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Example Sentences

“Renormalization helps us simplify the problem,” said Nathan Seiberg, a theoretical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

This is a theoretical belief, believed with the same passion and conviction as other politically charged theoretical beliefs.

From there, a theoretical distinction emerged where sex refers to facts about biological bodies.

While some of us thought the change was only temporary, maybe for a few weeks, we were actually experiencing the dramatic onset of the theoretical topic we all called “the future of work.”

From Digiday

Their theoretical exploration suggested — against prevailing wisdom — that graviton noise is in principle observable.

We could theoretically cause a lot of damage should we take that route.

Theoretically, the ship can take on all comers in the air, sea, underwater or on land.

He could, theoretically, present himself as a model citizen who made a mistake while obscuring what the mistakes been.

And so theoretically they could have gone out and made the film without ever being in touch with me.

Barring commercial breaks (or sleep), it would theoretically take about seven days to watch all 25 seasons of ‘The Simpsons.’

This rule, theoretically correct, must be very liberally interpreted in practice.

He applies practically in his work those laws which the scientist furnishes him with theoretically.

Theoretically the periodic sentence is better than the loose sentence; for it economizes attention.

All the frogs produced were males, so that the race (of frogs) could not even be theoretically carried on by that method.

At a later period the control of the Senate over legislation became theoretically less, but practically greater.




