

View synonyms for throe


[ throh ]


  1. a violent spasm or pang; paroxysm.
  2. a sharp attack of emotion.
  3. throes,
    1. any violent convulsion or struggle:

      the throes of battle.

    2. the agony of death.
    3. the pains of childbirth.


/ θrəʊ /


  1. rare.
    a pang or pain
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of throe1

1150–1200; Middle English throwe, alteration of thrawe ( -o- from Old English thrōwian to suffer, be in pain), Old English thrawu; cognate with Old Norse thrā (in līkthrā leprosy)
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Word History and Origins

Origin of throe1

Old English thrāwu threat; related to Old High German drawa threat, Old Norse thrā desire, thrauka to endure
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Idioms and Phrases

see in the throes .
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Example Sentences

One of the most delicate times in the pandemic will be the period between its worst throes and widespread immunity.

From Vox

No matter that the economy, then as now, was in the throes of a historic economic catastrophe.

Let’s start with Grantham’s warning on how a big, new spike in prices, from already high levels, presages the death throes of a bull market.

From Fortune

Advertisers say they need agencies now more than ever, and in the throes of economic uncertainty, they are working their agencies harder.

From Digiday

One of the lessons our animals teach us is to love even in the throes of grieving.

The sea moaned—more than moaned—among the boulders below the ruins, a throe of its tide being timed to regular intervals.

Sneak had hastily brought thither his effects, and without a throe of regret abandoned his house for ever to the owls.

A throe of anguish caused her to concentrate her strength with one grand effort, and the rope that held her right hand parted.

Pang, pang, n. a violent but not long-continued pain: a sudden and bitter feeling of sorrow: a throe.

Every throe of the sick girl seemed to penetrate her own body.


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More About Throe

What does throe mean?

The word throe refers to a pain, pang, or spasm, but it is very rarely used.

It is almost exclusively used in the plural form throes, which refers to a state or condition of pain or violent convulsions, spasms, or pangs.

Throes is especially associated with situations involving physical or emotional pain or agony, as in the throes of childbirth or the throes of grief. It can also be used in the context of a situation that’s an intense struggle, as in the throes of creation or the throes of revolution. The phrase death throes can refer to the agony of dying or it can be used metaphorically to refer to the final stages of something, as in The terrible reviews of his latest book represent the death throes of his career.

The word throes is commonly used in the phrase in the throes of, meaning in the midst of something intense, especially a painful situation, a struggle, or a crisis, as in We were in the throes of battle when the reinforcements arrived. It can also be used in less serious situations, as in We were in the throes of a movie marathon when the power went out. 

Example: When I’m in the throes of the flu, I barely have the energy to get out of bed.

Where does throe come from?

The first records of the word throe come from the 1100s. The origin of the word isn’t certain. It may come from the Old English verb thrōwian, meaning “to suffer” or “to be in pain,” or from the Old English thrāwu, meaning “threat.”

Throes is typically used in situations involving pain or struggle. It’s especially used in certain phrases, such as death throes, the throes of childbirth, and the throes of passion. It often involves something serious, but it can be used in a somewhat humorous way to exaggerate the seriousness or intensity of a situation.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to throe?

What are some synonyms for throe?

What are some words that share a root or word element with throe

What are some words that often get used in discussing throe?


What are some words throe may be commonly confused with?



How is throe used in real life?

Throe is rarely used. The plural form throes is most commonly used in the phrase in the throes. It’s especially applied to negative situations.



Try using throe!

Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of throe

A. pangs
B. spasm
C. delight
D. pain

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.



