Historical & Current Events dictionary

Black Music Appreciation Month

[ blak myoo-zik uh-pree-shee-ey-shuhn muhnth ]

What is Black Music Appreciation Month?

Black Music Appreciation Month is a monthlong observance in the US that recognizes and celebrates the impact that Black music and Black musicians have had and continue to have on US and global culture. 

Black Music Appreciation Month celebrates all forms of Black music, including the many different genres that originated from or were heavily influenced by Black musicians and communities, such as blues, jazz, soul, gospel, country, rhythm and blues, rock, funk, reggae, hip-hop, and rap, among others.  

The month also honors the role of Black music in promoting equality and fighting social injustice. 

The month is often observed by highlighting Black musicians, promoting their music, and providing opportunities to learn about the history of Black music and its impact. Traditionally, the president of the United States recognizes the month with an annual presidential proclamation in late May or early June.

The month is also sometimes called African-American Music Appreciation Month or Black Music Month.

🗓 When is Black Music Appreciation Month? 

Black Music Appreciation Month is observed every year in the US during the month of June. 

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Where does Black Music Appreciation Month come from?

black history month; black and white photo of jazz band

The original idea of Black Music Appreciation Month is credited to songwriter Kenneth “Kenny” Gamble, who was one of the founders of the Black Music Association in 1978. According to Gamble, the month was initially created to increase awareness and sales of Black music. On June 7, 1979, the Black Music Association organized a White House dinner with then-president Jimmy Carter, during which Carter declared June as Black Music Month

However, the month was not officially recognized until 2000, when a congressional bill declared June as African-American Music Month. Different official names of the month have been used since, including Black Music Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, and Black Music Appreciation Month.

The draft of House Resolution 509, the bill that officially recognized June as Black Music Appreciation Month, was written by journalist Dyana Williams. For years, Williams lobbied to Congress and President Bill Clinton to secure official national recognition of the month.

Photo credit: Photo of legendary bandleader Cab Calloway courtesy of the Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of Cabella Calloway Langsam.

What are other words used in discussion of Black Music Appreciation Month?

Examples of Black Music Appreciation Month

Making a playlist for work for Black Music Appreciation Month. What’s some of y’all’s favorite Feel Good songs?
@Jessys_Room, June 14, 2022
June is Black Music Appreciation Month. I'll be slowly sharing some (not all) of my favorite records by incredibly talented Black artists in this thread.
@jeegaram1996, June 3, 2020
President Joe Biden issued a proclamation this week recognizing June as Black Music Appreciation Month, celebrating the music as “intricately woven into the tapestry of our Nation.”
Shawna Mizelle, CNN, June 2022

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of Black Music Appreciation Month like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of Black Music Appreciation Month that will help our users expand their word mastery.