Slang dictionary

get out of jail free card

What does get out of jail free card mean?

A get out of jail free card is a metaphorical way to refer to anything that will get someone out of an undesirable situation or allow them to avoid punishment.

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Where does get out of jail free card come from?

Examples of get out of jail free card

When a cop pulls you over for speeding, don’t hand him a “get out of jail free” Monopoly card. He won’t think it’s funny & you will go directly to jail. I know this now.
@CantWaitToNap, June, 2018
I swear to god CJ just drew the real life get out of jail free card.
@tommylangfordd, June, 2018
Police: You’re under arrest for the 20 crimes you’ve committed! Me: *pulls out my Monopoly Get Out of Jail Free card* Police: Son of a.... he’s clean!
@ThatsWatSheSeth, April, 2018

Who uses get out of jail free card?

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of get out of jail free card like most terms we define on, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of get out of jail free card that will help our users expand their word mastery.