


  1. variant of -megaly:


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Example Sentences

If any one did know Megalia, the company would be—what is it you say—a scrub down—no—a wash-up—ah, I have it—a wash-out.

Gorman saw several reasons, excellent ones, why Daisy Donovan could never be queen of Megalia.

Her fine eyes opened very wide as she considered the price which Donovan might be induced to pay for Megalia.

Donovan would have been quite content to believe that he could purchase the Crown of Megalia without actually doing so.

He requests, indeed insists that Salissa shall at once be restored to the Crown of Megalia.


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Words That Use -megalia

What does -megalia mean?

The combining form -megalia is used like a suffix meaning “irregular enlargement” of an organ or part of the body. It appears in a few medical terms, especially in pathology.

The form -megalia ultimately comes from the Greek mégas, meaning “great, large.”

The form –megalia is a less-common variant of -megaly.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use -megaly article.

Corresponding forms of -megalia and -megaly combined to the beginning of words is megalo- and megal-. Learn more at our Words That Use articles for the forms.

A variant of megalo- that you may be familiar with is mega-, as in megaphone or megabyte. Mega- is also used as a unit of measure prefix to indicate a fact of one million (e.g., megahertz).

Examples of -megalia

One of the few terms that features the combining form -megalia is splenomegalia, more commonly referred to as splenomegaly. Splenomegalia is “enlargement of the spleen.”

The combining form spleno- means “spleen.” The second part of the word, -megalia, means “irregular enlargement.” Splenomegalia literally translates to “irregularly large spleen.”

What are some words that use the combining form -megalia?

What are some other forms that -megalia may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form cardio- means “heart.” What does the medical condition cardiomegalia, more commonly known as cardiomegaly, involve?



