

View synonyms for Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras

[ mahr-dee grah ]


  1. the day before Lent, celebrated in some cities, such as New Orleans and Paris, as a day of revelry and merrymaking. Fat Tuesday ( def ), Shrove Tuesday ( def ).
  2. a pre-Lenten carnival period climaxing on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.

Mardi Gras

/ ˈmɑːdɪ ˈɡrɑː /


  1. the festival of Shrove Tuesday, celebrated in some cities with great revelry

Mardi Gras

  1. An annual festival held in France on the day before Ash Wednesday , the first day of Lent . Mardi Gras is French for “Fat Tuesday” — meaning it is the last opportunity to eat rich food before the fast of Lent begins. It is related to celebrations elsewhere, called “carnivals,” from the Latin words carne and vale , “meat” and “farewell,” meaning a farewell to meat before the abstinence of Lent.

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New Orleans , Louisiana , is famous for its Mardi Gras celebration, as is Rio de Janeiro , Brazil .

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Mardi Gras1

First recorded in 1690–1700; from French: literally, “fat Tuesday”; mardi “Tuesday,” Old French marsdi, from Latin diēs Mārtis, Mārtis diēs “day of Mars” ( dismal ( def ), martial ( def ) ); gras “fat,” from Latin grassus “fat, thick”

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Mardi Gras1

French: fat Tuesday

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Example Sentences

That is the sense of the Saturnalia, of Mardi Gras and of these moments of entertainment.

When the host is in a festive mood, entering customers are given strings of Mardi Gras beads.

Larry Bannock was the chief of a Mardi Gras Indian tribe in New Orleans.

When he died, all the black Mardi Gras Indians came out and kissed the ground in front of his house.

He started a group called the Hawkettes, which in 1954 recorded "Mardi Gras Mambo," a song still popular around New Orleans.

The frolic had in it a Mardi Gras spirit quite foreign to the wonted quiet and dignity of the place.

What could have been better for the purpose than to have made them parade before us in historic mardi-gras?

Then another entertainment, a sort of mardi-gras maigre feast, was a champagne tea given for us at the Capitol by Mr. Blaine.

Public masking on the streets, on the day of Mardi Gras, is also an amusing feature of the carnival.

For months the advance orders for the coming Mardi Gras festivals have kept the work going day and night.





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