

Progressive movement

  1. A movement for reform that occurred roughly between 1900 and 1920. Progressives typically held that irresponsible actions by the rich were corrupting both public and private life. They called for measures such as trust busting , the regulation of railroads, provisions for the people to vote on laws themselves through referendum , the election of the Senate by the people rather than by state legislatures, and a graduated income tax (one in which higher tax rates are applied to higher incomes). The Progressives were able to get much of their program passed into law. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were associated with the movement.

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Example Sentences

Throughout the progressive movement, this sentiment is echoed almost everywhere.

His wife Eleanor was more representative of the activist strain running through the progressive movement.

“The progressive movement knows how critical adding more Democratic women to our government is,” said spokeswoman Jess McIntosh.

Cantor said he sees the election of de Blasio as the capstone of a transformational year for the progressive movement.

He may decide to become the leader of the progressive movement, perhaps starting a new party going into 2016.

It is stated that the progressive movement is at once slower and more regular since 1891, than it was previously.

The progressive movement of mind from idea to idea implies consequent variation and discrimination more or less vigorous.

Their difficulty is in synthetic work, in progressive movement, and there they simply assert.

A progressive movement of any kind always has these strifes.

Thank God, I have well enough understood my duty to do my humble but patriotic share to favour this progressive movement.



