
View synonyms for catalog


or cat·a·logue

[ kat-l-awg, -og ]


  1. a list or record, as of items for sale or courses at a university, systematically arranged and often including descriptive material:

    a stamp catalog.

    Synonyms: record, register, roster

  2. something that contains such a list or record, as a book, leaflet, or file.
  3. a list of the contents of a library or a group of libraries, arranged according to any of various systems. Compare card catalog, online catalog, union catalog.

    Synonyms: record, register, roster

  4. any list or record:

    a catalog of complaints.

verb (used with object)

, cat·a·loged or cat·a·logued, cat·a·log·ing or cat·a·logu·ing.
  1. to enter (items) in a catalog; make a catalog of.

verb (used without object)

, cat·a·loged or cat·a·logued, cat·a·log·ing or cat·a·logu·ing.
  1. to produce a catalog.
  2. to have a specified price as listed in a catalog:

    This model catalogs for $49.95.

  3. to offer merchandise in a mail-order catalog.


  1. of, relating to, or carrying on business through a mail-order catalog:

    catalog sales.

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Other Words From

  • cata·loger cata·loguer cata·logist cata·loguist noun
  • cat·a·log·ic [kat-l-, oj, -ik], cata·logi·cal cat·a·lo·gis·tic [kat-l-oh-, jis, -tik], adjective
  • mis·cata·log mis·cata·logue verb (used with object) miscataloged or miscatalogued miscataloging or miscataloguing
  • non·cata·log non·cata·logue adjective
  • re·cata·log verb (used with object) recataloged or recataogued recataloging or recataloguing
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Word History and Origins

Origin of catalog1

First recorded in 1425–75; late Middle English cataloge, from Late Latin catalogus, from Greek katálogos “a register” (akin to katalégein “to count up”), equivalent to kata- “down, against, back” + -logos reckoning; cata-
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Synonym Study

See list 1.
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Example Sentences

In this episode, we take a trip through Big Wild’s catalog and talk to Stell about how his personal journey led him to seek out a new kind of sound experience.

Streaming companies, for all their back catalogs of on-demand content, aren’t in a much better position—they also film original productions.

From Fortune

Without Prime Day in Q3, the best thing brands can do now is invest in building the relevancy and sales of their entire catalog, not just their hero products or those that were planned to be on promotion during Prime Day.

After you connect your catalog with Instagram, consider signing up for Instagram Shopping.

When writing articles for a blog, you can use the links to the catalog.

As he once told Brassai, the Gagosian exhibition catalog states, “I want to leave as complete a record as possible for posterity.”

Phones on desks, linens on beds, catalog cards spilling out of the filing cabinets—all covered with a fine patina of dust.

To do so would be to catalog a series of Brazilian defensive horrors, each of which was castigated by the Germans.

He has amassed an enormous back catalog of inflammatory comments on matters ranging from women to the “demonic” movie Avatar.

An exhibition catalog, published by Yale University Press, is available for purchase.

The Copyright Office welcomes inquiries, suggestions, and comments on the content and organization of the Catalog.

The following list includes abbreviations and symbols used in this catalog with specific copyright or bibliographic meanings.

The burden upon the memory that this elaborate system of old must have entailed is now transferred to the card catalog.

Any subject that needed to be kept track of could be thus securely noted in the card catalog.

All of these card-catalog and other "devices" are a part of a great movement to put efficiency into every human industry.


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More About Catalog

What does catalog mean?

A catalog is a list or record of items. It is sometimes spelled catalogue.

It commonly refers to a list of things being offered, such as items for sale or courses at a school. The point of such a catalog is typically to arrange the information in an orderly way—often with descriptions—so that the items can be easily found.

The word often refers to a printed copy of the list, especially in the context of items available for purchase from a particular company.

Catalog can also be used to refer to a collection of works, such as by a particular artist, as in I love every album in her catalog.

A card catalog is a file containing information about the books and other materials held in a library. Card catalogs were once commonly physical cabinets of drawers containing cards but now often exist as online catalogs.

Sometimes, catalog is used in a very general way as another way of saying list, as in a catalog of complaints.

Catalog can also be used as a verb meaning to record items with a list, as in Please catalog all of the new titles.

Example: The course catalog lists all of the classes that are available to take.

Where does catalog come from?

The first records of the word catalog come from the 1400s. It comes from the Greek katálogos, meaning “a register,” from the verb katalégein, meaning “to list” or “to count up.”

Register can be used as a synonym of catalog, as can inventory and index. Perhaps the most general synonym of catalog is list. The kind of catalog that you can order products from and comes in the form of a printed booklet is still somewhat common, despite the popularity of online shopping.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to catalog?

What are some synonyms for catalog?

What are some words that share a root or word element with catalog? 

What are some words that often get used in discussing catalog?

How is catalog used in real life?

Catalog is perhaps most popularly used to refer to the booklets that people browse through to order products, but it’s also commonly used in more general ways to refer to other lists of items, such as books and college courses.

Try using catalog!

Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of catalog?

A. list
B. record
C. inventory
D. purchase




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