
[ em-pir-ee-uhl, -pahy-ree-, em-puh-ree-uhl, -pahy- ]
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  1. pertaining to the highest heaven in the cosmology of the ancients.

  2. pertaining to the sky; celestial: empyreal blue.

  1. formed of pure fire or light: empyreal radiance.

Origin of empyreal

1475–85; <Late Latin empyre(us), variant of empyrius (<Greek empýrios fiery, equivalent to em-em-2 + pŷr fire + -ios adj. suffix) + -al1

Words Nearby empyreal

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use empyreal in a sentence

  • Khirad, Intelligence or the first Intelligence, was supposed to be the guardian of the empyreal heaven (Erskine).

    The Bbur-nma in English | Babur, Emperor of Hindustan
  • It despised the rock, the tree, the vital air itself, aspiring to breathe empyreal air.

  • At Acropolis, near Athens, Minerva's statue formerly fell from the empyreal heaven.

  • This latter had in the upper part of it the empyreal, or heaven of pure light.

    Astronomical Myths | John F. Blake
  • The first was the empyreal heaven, which was the most remote.

    Astronomical Myths | John F. Blake