1[ rash ]
- acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration.
Synonyms: foolhardy, indiscreet, precipitate, incautious, venturous, reckless, impetuous, hasty
Antonyms: cautious
- characterized by or showing too great haste or lack of consideration:
rash promises.
2[ rash ]
- an eruption or efflorescence on the skin.
- a multitude of instances of something occurring more or less during the same period of time:
a rash of robberies last month.
1/ ræʃ /
- acting without due consideration or thought; impetuous
- characterized by or resulting from excessive haste or impetuosity
a rash word
2/ ræʃ /
- pathol any skin eruption
- a series of unpleasant and unexpected occurrences
a rash of forest fires
Derived Forms
- ˈrashness, noun
- ˈrashly, adverb
- ˈrashˌlike, adjective
Other Words From
- rash·ly adverb
- rash·ness noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of rash1
Origin of rash2
Word History and Origins
Origin of rash1
Origin of rash2
Example Sentences
The rules appear to have had a noticeable positive impact, as only one player has tested positive over the past two weeks, a steep drop from January’s rash of cases leaguewide.
It caused fever, then a rash, which over the course of a few days developed into the skin-covering lumps that are the disease’s trademark.
For Grantham, that divergence tells us more about the raging market fever than the rash of new SPACs.
In the context of the rash of restaurant closures, however, thousands of workers lost their jobs, whether outright layoffs or temporary furloughs.
This reaction, Parikh noted, is not believed to be connected to the other types of rashes caused by the coronavirus, including the unusual frostbite-like patches that have been observed on people’s toes and sometimes fingers.
And it is not clear that there have been a rash of lawsuits from outraged parents over aggressive Christmastime greetings.
The results of that rash decision, the most dire of which has been the rise of ISIS, are now plain for us to see.
His judgments are not rash or driven by insecurity, fear, and a longing for the past.
A rash of crimes against gay and trans* people point to a possible brewing class resentment in the “hip” parts of Brooklyn.
Most have been straightforward cases where the child came in with the characteristic rash.
Hence Napoleon was driven more and more to trust to the advice of the rash, unstable King of Naples.
Garnache need not plague himself with vexation that his rash temper alone had wrought his ruin now.
Should he hire a horse and kill the animal by rash driving, he would be liable for its value.
But glorious as his conduct was, his rash impetuosity more than once seriously compromised Napoleon's plans.
He was a mere boy, who, in a rash skirmish with some of our hussars, was wounded severely and taken prisoner.
More About Rash
What does rash mean?
Rash describes acting too quickly and without proper planning, as in James was rash when he decided to quit his job after just one hard day.
Rash also describes a great haste or a lack of consideration, such as Sahad avoided making rash decisions by doing a lot of research first.
A rash is a skin condition, such as bumps or a red area, like you might get if you touch poison ivy.
A rash is also several instances of something that occur at the same or nearly the same time, such as a rash of snowstorms over a week or a rash of electronic sales during the winter holidays.
Example: He always jumps head first into rash decisions, but sometimes it works out.
Where does rash come from?
The first records of the term rash meaning “hasty” come from the 1300s. It is related to the Old Norse rǫskr, meaning “brave.” The first records of the term rash meaning “skin outbreak” come from the 1700s. It ultimately comes from the Latin rādere, meaning “to scratch.”
Normally, rashness is not a desired trait, as making decisions quickly without thinking about them enough can often lead to negative results. For example, when someone makes a promise they cannot keep, that is a rash promise or when they oversell their skill for a task, it is a rash commitment.
When referring to a skin condition, a rash can come in many different forms and can come from a variety of conditions. A heat rash can be the result of sweat glands becoming inflamed, usually causing itchiness or discomfort. You might also get a rash when you eat something you’re allergic to or when you touch something that commonly causes a reaction in humans, like poison sumac and poison oak.
Did you know … ?
What are some other forms related to rash?
- rashly (adverb)
- rashness (noun)
- rashlike (adjective)
What are some synonyms for rash?
What are some words that share a root or word element with rash?
What are some words that often get used in discussing rash?
How is rash used in real life?
Rash, relating to skin, is usually used in a medical context, while rash, meaning “foolish” is used more commonly to describe someone else’s actions..
people will be like “sorry I acted so rash I’m a Sagittarius with Virgo rising” like ma’am this is a murder trial
— Anna Fitzpatrick (@bananafitz) May 16, 2020
Heat rash on my face. Not cool
— Shawn Mendes (@ShawnMendes) January 3, 2016
My man Joaquin. Yes
Nearly 20 years since you should have won for that prickly rash of a performance as Commodus .
So many remarkable characters over the years.Stunning performances from Renée Zellweger, the timeless Laura Dern & that Brad Pitt fella just keeps getting better.
— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February 10, 2020
Try using rash!
Which of the following is NOT a synonym for rash?
A. foolhardy
B. cautious
C. reckless
D. daring