
[ rahys ]
See synonyms for rice on Thesaurus.com
  1. the starchy seeds or grain of an annual marsh grass, Oryza sativa, cultivated in warm climates and used for food.

  2. the grass itself.

  1. a food that is chopped or otherwise processed to resemble rice (used in combination): cauliflower rice;sweet potato rice.

verb (used with object),riced, ric·ing.
  1. to reduce to a form resembling rice: to rice potatoes.

Origin of rice

First recorded in 1200–50; Middle English ris, rys, from Old French, from Italian riso, risi (in Medieval Latin risium ), from Medieval Greek orýzion, derivative of Greek óryza, from an Iranian language, e.g., Old Persian brizi, Pashto vrižē; akin to Sanskrit vrīhi-, perhaps ultimately of Dravidian origin

Other definitions for Rice (2 of 2)

[ rahys ]

  1. Anne, 1941–2021, U.S. novelist.

  2. Dan Daniel McLaren, 1823–1900, U.S. circus clown, circus owner, and Union patriot.

  1. Elmer, 1892–1967, U.S. playwright.

  2. Jerry Lee, born 1962, U.S. football player.

  3. Grant·land [grant-luhnd], /ˈgrænt lənd/, 1880–1954, U.S. journalist.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use rice in a sentence

  • And as for Snoozleums, his thick wool was so be-riced that for two days, whenever he shook himself, he snew.

    Excuse Me! | Rupert Hughes
  • When done place on a hot platter and surround with riced potato.

British Dictionary definitions for rice (1 of 3)


/ (raɪs) /

  1. an erect grass, Oryza sativa, that grows in East Asia on wet ground and has drooping flower spikes and yellow oblong edible grains that become white when polished

  2. the grain of this plant

  1. (tr) US and Canadian to sieve (potatoes or other vegetables) to a coarse mashed consistency, esp with a ricer

Origin of rice

C13 rys, via French, Italian, and Latin from Greek orūza, of Oriental origin

British Dictionary definitions for Rice (2 of 3)


/ (raɪs) /

  1. Elmer, original name Elmer Reizenstein . 1892–1967, US dramatist. His plays include The Adding Machine (1923) and Street Scene (1929), which was made into a musical by Kurt Weill in 1947

British Dictionary definitions for RICE (3 of 3)


/ (raɪs) /

n acronym for
  1. rest, ice, compression, elevation: the recommended procedure for controlling inflammation in injured limbs or joints

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012