


[ snoh-drop ]


  1. any of several early-blooming bulbous plants belonging to the genus Galanthus, of the amaryllis family, native to Eurasia, especially G. nivalis, having drooping white flowers with green markings.


/ ˈsnəʊˌdrɒp /


  1. any of several amaryllidaceous plants of the Eurasian genus Galanthus, esp G. nivalis, having drooping white bell-shaped flowers that bloom in early spring
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of snowdrop1

First recorded in 1655–65; snow + drop
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Example Sentences

But there were also plenty of moments when they looked like a snowdrop.

The few who caught a glimpse of her in the white muslin dress “thought she looked like a snowdrop,” Barker notes.

Is it the hero's fault if self and snowdrop-singing poetasters cannot see this feat with the eyes of Camoens?

You look so cool—so fair—so like a snowdrop glittering with dew.

Snowdrop looked out at the window, and said, 'Good day, good woman!

We gave to this our untimely welcome long before the snowdrop came, and the golden name of daffodil has lost its vernal sound.

The snowdrop may very well come after the primrose in this song, which altogether ignores the process of the seasons.


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More About Snowdrop

What does snowdrop mean?

A snowdrop is a small, fragrant, white, bell-shaped flower with green markings.

The name snowdrop is also used for any plant in the genus Galanthus. The different members of the genus Galanthus vary in size. The scientific name of the common snowdrop flower is Galanthus nivalis.

Snowdrops are known for blooming in early spring. They are popularly cultivated for use in bouquets.

The snowdrop is one of the January birth flowers (a flower that’s associated with a particular month in the same way as a birthstone).

Example: Look at all the snowdrops blooming in the meadow.

Where does snowdrop come from?

The first records of the word snowdrop come from the mid-1600s. The combination of the words snow and drop is a reference to the flower’s appearance. Snowdrops droop down from their stems.

Snowdrops are perennial plants that begin to sprout in the late winter to early spring. The snowdrop is native to Europe and Southeast Asia.

Did you know ... ?

What are some words that share a root or word element with snowdrop?

What are some words that often get used in discussing snowdrop?

How is snowdrop used in real life?

Snowdrops are known for their use in bouquets and in gardens.

Try using snowdrop!

True or False?

Snowdrop flowers are turned upwards.




snowdriftsnowdrop tree