Tag Archives: Slang

  1. Modern Ways To Express Your Love And Affection

  2. How To Talk Like A Pirate

    “Ahoy, matey!” Is that pretty much the limit of your pirate lingo? With perhaps a “shiver me timbers” in the wings if you need it? With so many excellent pirate terms, don't stop there! Here’s a robust vocabulary to make your weekend pirating just a little more authentic.

  3. These Japanese Slang Terms Are “Maji” Amazing

  4. Getty

    A-“Bey”-C: Learn The Lingo Of Beyoncé

  5. https://wizardsandwhatnot.com/2017/01/08/etymology-spells-love-harry-potter/

    The Meanings Behind “Harry Potter” Spells

    How did J.K. Rowling come up with the names of all of those magical wizarding spells?

  6. Albert L. Ortega / Getty Images / CNET

    Learn The Vocabulary Of Comic-Con

  7. The Greatest Language Hits Of Black Music

  8. https://wallpapercave.com/w/vjIeEG9

    Become A (Dungeon) Master Of These D&D Slang Terms

  9. Is It OK To Say I’m OCD?

    That one picture hanging slightly crooked on the wall. The car stereo volume left on an uneven number. The one floor tile that breaks the pattern. There are plenty of things that can make our skin start to crawl because they’re just a little bit … off. And, in these scenarios we tend to break out that little acronym that so perfectly describes those annoying …

  10. What’s Happening With The Word “Unicorn”?

    What do Scotland, Silicon Valley, LGBTQ pride, and Jesus Christ all have in common? Unicorns. You read that right, unicorns. This connection may sound as fantastical as unicorns themselves, that mythical horse famed for the single horn it bears on its forehead. But, only a creature as unique as a unicorn could span such a wide array of contexts. So, too, can the word unicorn. Since …

  11. www.geocaching.com

    These Made-Up Languages Aren’t Just For Kids

    It seems like a rite of passage for most kids: your first made-up language. Whether you devised it with a sibling or wrote in a diary only you could translate, there was an allure in concealing your communication in code. The appeal doesn’t dissipate as we grow older, either. Take Igpay Atinlay. Pig Latin, that is. Plenty of parents still use it to speak about things they don’t …

  12. We’ve Added Over 300 New Words To Dictionary.com!

    JSYK, we’ve added new words and definitions to the dictionary. Over 300 of them in 2019, in fact. This is one case, we think, where JOMO just doesn’t apply. We’re sure you’ve guessed by now that these additions include some new internet slang abbreviations, like JSYK (“just so you know”) and JOMO (“joy of missing out”), that reflect how technology is influencing modern life—and modern …