diabetes mellitus
/ dī′ə-bē′tĭsmə-lī′təs,-tēz /
- A metabolic disease characterized by abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood, caused by an inherited inability to produce insulin (Type 1) or an acquired resistance to insulin (Type 2). Type 1 diabetes, which typically appears in childhood or adolescence, is marked by excessive thirst, frequent urination, and weight loss and requires treatment with insulin injections. Type 2 diabetes appears during adulthood, usually in overweight or elderly individuals, and is treated with oral medication or insulin. People with either type of diabetes benefit from dietary restriction of sugars and other carbohydrates. Uncontrolled blood glucose levels increase the risk for long-term medical complications including peripheral nerve disease, retinal damage, kidney disease, and progressive atherosclerosis caused by damage to endothelial cells in blood vessels, leading to coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease.
diabetes mellitus
- A chronic disease in which carbohydrates cannot be metabolized properly ( see metabolism ) because the pancreas fails to secrete an adequate amount of insulin . Without enough insulin, carbohydrate metabolism is upset, and levels of sugar in the blood rise.
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Word History and Origins
Origin of diabetes mellitus1
C18: New Latin, literally: honey-sweet diabetes
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Example Sentences
As a rule, however, persistent glycosuria is diagnostic of diabetes mellitus, of which disease it is the essential symptom.
From Project Gutenberg
Persistent furunculosis is not infrequent in diabetes mellitus.
From Project Gutenberg
Glucose, so characteristic of diabetes mellitus, is not difficult of detection or estimation.
From Project Gutenberg
In the case of diabetes mellitus, the amount of sugar in the ration must be materially reduced.
From Project Gutenberg
It is employed for sweetening purposes in cases of diabetes mellitus, where physicians advise against the use of sugar.
From Project Gutenberg