

View synonyms for featherweight


[ feth-er-weyt ]


  1. a boxer or other contestant intermediate in weight between a bantamweight and a lightweight, especially a professional boxer weighing up to 126 pounds (57 kilograms).
  2. an insignificant person or thing:

    He thinks he's a major composer, but he's just a featherweight.


  1. belonging to the class of featherweights, especially in boxing.
  2. extremely light in weight:

    a featherweight quilt.

  3. unimportant; trifling; slight.


/ ˈfɛðəˌweɪt /


    1. something very light or of little importance
    2. ( as modifier )

      featherweight considerations

    1. a professional boxer weighing 118–126 pounds (53.5–57 kg)
    2. an amateur boxer weighing 54–57 kg (119–126 pounds)
    3. ( as modifier )

      the featherweight challenger

  1. a wrestler in a similar weight category (usually 126–139 pounds (57–63 kg))
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of featherweight1

First recorded in 1805–15; feather + weight
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Example Sentences

In a sea of worthy choices—from featherweight next-to-skin base layers to all-day midlayers—these were the best.

We also love the featherweight nylon build, grippy rubber nose and ear pads, and springy temples that hug the head for security.

NBC Out’s Dan Avery noted that after she earned silver for the Philippines, featherweight boxer Nesthy Petecio told reporters, “I am proud to be part of the LGBTQ community,” according to the Philippine Daily Inquirer, “Let’s go, fight!”

It’s made of featherweight cotton, and boasts a relaxed look.

This featherweight tablet comes with a stand that can prop the screen up into laptop mode, lower it into a 15-degree angle for studio mode, and kick the stand out for a freestanding tablet.

These featherweight savory gruyere-laced pastries are ubiquitous in Burgundy.

Kitamura, a featherweight at most, might seem a awkward messenger for the material.

"I had no idea Americans were so romantic," said Lady Sellingworth, with just a touch of featherweight malice.

She seemed only a featherweight when the bewildered doctor helped her to alight—an undoubted sprite and creature of romance.

I am not as strong as I once was so I bought a featherweight one.

Fancy that little featherweight saying, "O khansamah jee" to my bloodthirsty Mir Khan!

He held out his arm, but grew tired long before they reached his trap: Dane was no featherweight, and he leaned upon him heavily.


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