


[ jem-uh-nahy-uhn, -nee- ]


  1. a person born under the sign of Gemini, usually between May 21st and June 20th.


  1. of or relating to the sign of Gemini.
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Example Sentences

Giving the Maine Senator a slight edge over Geminian Hubert Humphrey, the Astrological Guide also miscast Muskie as the probable winner in Oregon and California.

Travelling into Italy, to improve himself in ecclesiastical learning and virtue, he made such progress that, upon the death of Geminian, bishop of Lucca, he was chosen bishop of that extensive diocese, the eleventh from St. Paulinus, founder of that church, said to have been a disciple of St. Peter.


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More About Geminian

What does Geminian mean?

A Geminian is someone whose zodiac sign is Gemini.

Geminian can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to the zodiac sign or to the constellation that it’s named for.

The constellation Gemini is a group of stars thought to resemble a pair of twins. It is sometimes called the Twins. Gemini is considered one of the 12 zodiacal constellations—constellations that appear within a particular portion of the sky called the zodiac.

In astronomy, the zodiac is the band of sky along which the paths of the sun, the moon, and the planets appear to move.

Despite its basis in astronomy, the word zodiac is mainly associated with and most often used in the context of astrology, the nonscientific practice in which the positions of heavenly bodies at certain times are thought to influence or be correlated with human behavior and events. In astrology, zodiac refers to a diagram (often a circular one) representing the zodiac belt and showing the symbols associated with each of the 12 constellations or sections, which are called the signs of the zodiac. Gemini is one of these signs. It is situated between Taurus and Cancer and is considered the third sign of the zodiac.

The position of the sun in a particular portion of the zodiac at the moment of a person’s birth is thought to correlate with their personality. This is what people are referring to when they talk about their zodiac sign (or star sign or often just sign). Geminians are those born between May 21 and June 20.

Example: Even though I’m a Geminian, I don’t fit into the charismatic Gemini stereotype.

Where does Geminian come from?

The first records of the word Geminian come from the early 1900s. The base word Gemini, comes from the Latin geminī, plural of geminus, meaning “twin.” The suffix -ian is used to form adjectives and nouns.

In astrology, the different signs of the zodiac are thought to be associated with certain personality traits. Geminians are said to be charismatic and resourceful and to sometimes have a dual nature (in parallel with the twin stars of the constellation).


Get more insight into what really defines a Gemini by visiting our article on the many traits of Gemini.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to Geminian?

What are some synonyms for Geminian?

What are some words that share a root or word element with Geminian?

What are some words that often get used in discussing Geminian?

How is Geminian used in real life?

The word Geminian is used to refer to the constellation or the sign of the zodiac named after the constellation. In the context of astrology, people associate a number of different traits with the sign Gemini.

Try using Geminian!

True or False?

Geminians are those born between May 21 and June 20.


