

View synonyms for outpost


[ out-pohst ]


  1. a station established at a distance from the main body of an army to protect it from surprise attack:

    We keep only a small garrison of men at our desert outposts.

  2. the body of troops stationed there; detachment or perimeter guard.
  3. an outlying settlement, installation, position, etc.


/ ˈaʊtˌpəʊst /


  1. military
    1. a position stationed at a distance from the area occupied by a major formation
    2. the troops assigned to such a position
  2. an outlying settlement or position
  3. a limit or frontier
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of outpost1

First recorded in 1750–60; out- + post 2
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Example Sentences

After all, local materials would be most practical if people ever build outposts on the Red Planet.

In reality, though, freezers likely won’t be the reason these more remote outposts don’t get vaccines.

I heard someone ask about building the military outpost in the South China Sea.

Take in the live tunes along with the newest outpost of Union Pie, which slings crispy bar-style pizzas on the Wharf.

The moves cast uncertainty over the future of the Everett, Washington, campus—the company’s largest outpost.

From Fortune

Today, the city is an Asian hipster outpost, with shopping malls, clothing boutiques, and mixologist-prepared cocktails.

The Cubans pulled up to the outpost and crammed the survivors into an open-body jeep and a pickup truck.

Zalwar Khan recalled he occasionally marched to the Korengal Outpost seeking the release of detained villagers.

A former store manager at a Malibu, California outpost filed a lawsuit in December of 2012.

On July 4, 2009, a human wave of insurgents attacked the joint U.S./Afghan outpost at Zerok.

If the military situation permits, all troops are put into quarters, only the outpost troops bivouacking.

I lost no time in crossing and had barely cleared the river-bank before I was held up by an outpost.

For fifty years it was a kind of outpost of that part of the State.

He might be a Boer outpost anxious to ascertain if we were Englishmen.

Before he was twenty he was learning outpost duty in the Austrian frontier cavalry.


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