1[ out ]
- away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: to go out to dinner.
out of alphabetical order;
to go out to dinner.
- away from one's home, country, work, etc., as specified:
to go out of town.
- in or into the outdoors:
to go out for a walk.
- to a state of exhaustion, extinction, or depletion:
to pump a well out.
- to the end or conclusion; to a final decision or resolution:
to say it all out.
- to a point or state of extinction, nonexistence, etc.: a practice on the way out.
to blow out the candle;
a practice on the way out.
- in or into a state of neglect, disuse, etc.; not in current vogue or fashion:
That style has gone out.
- so as not to be in the normal or proper position or state; out of joint:
His back went out after his fall.
- in or into public notice or knowledge:
The truth is out at last.
- seeking openly and energetically to do or have:
to be out for a good time.
- not in present possession or use, as on loan:
The librarian said that the book was still out.
- on strike:
The miners go out at midnight.
- so as to project or extend: stick your tongue out.
to stretch out;
stick your tongue out.
- in or into activity, existence, or outward manifestation:
A rash came out on her arm.
- from a specified source or material:
made out of scraps.
- from a state of composure, satisfaction, or harmony:
to be put out over trifles.
- in or into a state of confusion, vexation, dispute, variance, or unfriendliness:
to fall out about trifles.
- so as to deprive or be deprived:
to be cheated out of one's money.
- so as to use the last part of:
to run out of gas.
- from a number, stock, or store:
to point out the errors.
- aloud or loudly:
to cry out.
- with completeness or effectiveness:
to fill out.
The children tired me out.
- so as to obliterate or make undecipherable: to ink out.
to cross out a misspelling;
to ink out.
- not at one's home or place of employment; absent:
I stopped by to visit you last night, but you were out.
- not open to consideration; out of the question:
I wanted to go by plane, but all the flights are booked, so that's out.
We had some but now we're out.
- removed from or not in effective operation, play, a turn at bat, or the like, as in a game:
He's out for the season because of an injury.
- no longer having or holding a job, public office, etc.; unemployed; disengaged (usually followed by of ):
to be out of work.
- inoperative; extinguished: Are the lights out?
The elevator is out.
Are the lights out?
- finished; ended:
before the week is out.
- not currently stylish, fashionable, or in vogue:
Fitted waistlines are out this season.
Two drinks and he's usually out.
- not in power, authority, or the like:
a member of the out party.
- Baseball.
- (of a batter) not succeeding in getting on base:
He was out at first on an attempted bunt.
- (of a base runner) not successful in an attempt to advance a base or bases:
He was out in attempting to steal second base.
- beyond fixed or regular limits; out of bounds:
The ball was out.
- having a pecuniary loss or expense to an indicated extent:
The company will be out millions of dollars if the new factory doesn't open on schedule.
- incorrect or inaccurate:
His calculations are out.
- not in practice; unskillful from lack of practice:
Your bow hand is out.
- beyond the usual, as in range, size or weight (often used in combination): an out-supply of grain.
clothing in out sizes;
an out-supply of grain.
- exposed; made bare, as by holes in one's clothing:
out at the knees.
- acknowledging and publicly disclosing an identity, affiliation, or orientation that does not conform to socially defined norms, often a sexual orientation or gender identity: She’s an out lesbian.
He’d been out for years, but his grandma still asked him when he was going to settle down with a nice girl.
She’s an out lesbian.
I’m an out sci-fi nerd.
- at variance; at odds; unfriendly:
They are out with each other.
- moving or directed outward; outgoing:
the out train.
- not available, plentiful, etc.:
Mums are out till next fall.
- located at a distance; outlying:
We sailed to six of the out islands.
- Cricket. not having its innings:
the out side.
- Golf. of or relating to the playing of the first nine holes of an 18-hole golf course ( in ):
His out score on the second round was 33.
- (used to indicate movement or direction from the inside to the outside of something): She ran out the door.
He looked out the window.
She ran out the door.
- (used to indicate location):
The car is parked out back.
- (used to indicate movement away from a central point):
Let's drive out the old parkway.
- begone! away!
- (used in radio communications to signify that the sender has finished the message and is not expecting or prepared to receive a reply.) Compare over ( def 52 ).
- Archaic. (an exclamation of abhorrence, indignation, reproach, or grief (usually followed by upon ):
Out upon you!
- a means of escape or excuse, as from a place, punishment, retribution, responsibility, etc.:
He always left himself an out.
- a person who lacks status, power, or authority, especially in relation to a particular group or situation.
- Usually outs. persons not in office or political power ( in ).
- Baseball. a putout.
- (in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) a return or service that does not land within the in-bounds limits of a court or section of a court ( in ).
- something that is out, as a projecting corner.
- Printing.
- the omission of a word or words.
- the word or words omitted.
- Northern British Dialect. an outing.
verb (used without object)
- to go or come out.
- to become public, evident, known, etc.:
The truth will out.
- to make known; tell; utter (followed by with ):
Out with the truth!
verb (used with object)
- to expose (a person with a secret or private identity, orientation, affiliation, etc.) as being or having such an aspect of self, to an audience with whom the person had not chosen to share that information: Outing a racist to his thousands of social media followers might have seemed like justice, but the online harassment both parties have gotten in response was also predictable.
An ex outed her as gay at the end of her senior year, just before graduation.
Outing a racist to his thousands of social media followers might have seemed like justice, but the online harassment both parties have gotten in response was also predictable.
2- a prefixal use of out, adv., occurring in various senses in compounds ( outcast, outcome, outside ), and serving also to form many transitive verbs denoting a going beyond, surpassing, or outdoing in the particular action indicated ( outbid, outdo, outgeneral, outlast, outstay, outrate ).
- excelling or surpassing in a particular action
- indicating an external location or situation away from the centre
- indicating emergence, an issuing forth, etc
- indicating the result of an action
2/ aʊt /
- often used as a particle at or to a point beyond the limits of some location; outside
get out at once
- particle out of consciousness
she passed out at the sight of blood
- particle used to indicate a burst of activity as indicated by the verb
fever broke out
- particle used to indicate obliteration of an object
the graffiti were painted out
- particle used to indicate an approximate drawing or description
sketch out
chalk out
- public; revealed
the secret is out
- often used as a particle away from one's custody or ownership, esp on hire
to let out a cottage
- on sale or on view to the public
the book is being brought out next May
- (of a young woman) in or into polite society
Lucinda had a fabulous party when she came out
- (of the sun, stars, etc) visible
- (of a jury) withdrawn to consider a verdict in private
- particle used to indicate exhaustion or extinction
the sugar's run out
put the light out
- particle used to indicate a goal or object achieved at the end of the action specified by the verb
let's fight it out, then!
he worked it out
- preceded by a superlative existing
the friendliest dog out
- an expression in signalling, radio, etc, to indicate the end of a transmission
- or to Australia or New Zealand
he came out last year
- out of
- at or to a point outside
out of his reach
- away from; not in
out of focus
stepping out of line
- because of, motivated by
doing it out of jealousy
- from (a material or source)
made out of plastic
- not or no longer having any of (a substance, material, etc)
we're out of sugar
- not or not any longer worth considering
that plan is out because of the weather
- not allowed
smoking on duty is out
- also prenominal not in vogue; unfashionable
that sort of dress is out these days
- (of a fire or light) no longer burning or providing illumination
the fire is out
- not working
the radio's out
- unconscious
he was out for two minutes
- out to it informal.asleep or unconscious, esp because drunk
- not in; not at home
call back later, they're out now
- desirous of or intent on (something or doing something)
I'm out for as much money as I can get
- Alsoout on strike on strike
the machine shop is out
- (in several games and sports) denoting the state in which a player is caused to discontinue active participation, esp in some specified role
- used up; exhausted
our supplies are completely out
- worn into holes
this sweater is out at the elbows
- inaccurate, deficient, or discrepant
out by six pence
- not in office or authority
his party will be out at the election
- completed or concluded, as of time
before the year is out
- in flower
the roses are out now
- in arms, esp, in rebellion
one of his ancestors was out in the Forty-Five
- also prenominal being out
the out position on the dial
- informal.not concealing one's homosexuality
- out of; out through
he ran out the door
- archaic.outside; beyond
he comes from out our domain
- an exclamation, usually peremptory, of dismissal, reproach, etc
- (in wireless telegraphy) an expression used to signal that the speaker is signing off
- out with ita command to make something known immediately, without missing any details
- a method of escape from a place, difficult situation, punishment, etc
- baseball an instance of the putting out of a batter; putout
- printing
- the omission of words from a printed text; lacuna
- the words so omitted
- ins and outsSee in 1
- tr to put or throw out
- intr to be made known or effective despite efforts to the contrary (esp in the phrase will out )
the truth will out
- (of homosexuals) to expose (a public figure) as being a fellow homosexual
- to expose something secret, embarrassing, or unknown about (a person)
he was eventually outed as a talented goal scorer
Word History and Origins
Origin of out1
Word History and Origins
Origin of out1
Idioms and Phrases
- all out, with maximum effort; thoroughly or wholeheartedly:
They went all out to finish by Friday.
- be on the / at outs with, Informal. to be estranged from (another person); be unfriendly or on bad terms with:
He is on the outs with his brother.
We've been at outs with them for the past ten years.
- out and away, to a surpassing extent; far and away; by far:
It was out and away the best apple pie she had ever eaten.
- out for, aggressively determined to acquire, achieve, etc.:
He's out for all the money he can get.
- out from under, out of a difficult situation, especially of debts or other obligations:
The work piled up while I was away and I don't know how I'll ever get out from under.
- out of it, Informal.
- not conscious; drunk or heavily drugged.
- eliminated from contention:
If our team loses two more games, we'll be out of it.
- not part of or acceptable within an activity, social group, or fashion:
She felt out of it because none of her friends were at the party.
- out of trim, Nautical. (of a ship) drawing excessively at the bow or stern.
- out of,
- not within:
out of the house.
- beyond the reach of:
The boat's passengers had sailed out of hearing.
- not in a condition of:
out of danger.
- so as to deprive or be deprived of.
- from within or among:
Take the jokers out of the pack.
- because of; owing to:
out of loyalty.
- foaled by (a dam):
Grey Dancer out of Lady Grey.
- come out. come ( def 43 ).
- out of sight. sight ( def 26 ).
More idioms and phrases containing out
- ace out
- act out
- all out
- ask out
- back out
- bail out
- bang out
- bawl out
- bear out
- beat one's brains out
- beat out
- belt out
- bent out of shape
- black out
- bliss out
- blot out
- blow one's brains out
- blow out
- blurt out
- bottom out
- bow out
- branch out
- brave out
- break out
- break out of
- bring out
- bug out
- bum out
- burn out
- burst into (out)
- buy out
- call out
- camp out
- cancel out
- card in (out)
- carry out
- cast out
- check out
- chew out
- chicken out
- chill out
- churn out
- clean out
- clear out
- clock in (out)
- close out
- come out
- come out ahead
- come out in the wash
- come out of
- come out with
- conk out
- cool off (out)
- cop out
- count out
- crank out
- crap out
- crop out
- cry (out) for
- cut it out
- cut out
- day after day (day in, day out)
- deal out
- deck out
- die out
- dig out
- dine out on
- dish out
- do out of
- dope out
- down and out
- drag on (out)
- draw out
- drop out
- drown out
- drum out
- dry out
- duck out
- ease out
- eat someone out of house and home
- eat one's heart out
- eat out
- eat out of one's hand
- edge out
- eke out
- fade out
- fall out
- farm out
- far out
- feel out
- ferret out
- fight it out
- figure out
- fill out
- find out
- fish out
- fish out of water
- fit out
- fizzle out
- flake out
- flat out
- flesh out
- flip one's lid (out)
- flunk out
- follow out
- for crying out loud
- fork over (out)
- freak out
- freeze out
- fresh out of
- get out
- get out of
- get the lead out
- give out
- go out
- go out of one's way
- gross out
- grow out of
- gut it out
- hammer out
- hand out
- hang out
- hang out one's shingle
- hang out to dry
- hash over (out)
- have an out
- have it out
- have one's work cut out
- head out
- hear out
- heart goes out to
- help out
- hide out
- hire out
- hit out
- hold out
- in (out of) favor
- in one ear and out the other
- in (out of) one's element
- in (out of) one's hair
- in (out of) print
- in (out of) reach
- ins and outs
- inside out
- into (out of) thin air
- in (out of) tune
- iron out
- jury is still out
- keep an eye out
- kick out
- knock out
- knock the bottom out
- lash out
- lay out
- leave out
- let out
- let the cat out of the bag
- light out
- like a bat out of hell
- live out
- lock out
- log in (out)
- look out
- look out for
- lose out
- luck out
- make a mountain out of a molehill
- make capital out of
- make out
- max out
- mellow out
- miss out on
- murder will out
- muster in (out)
- nose out
- nose out of joint
- odd man out
- on the outs
- on the way out
- opt out
- pan out
- parcel out
- pass out
- pay out
- peter out
- phase in (out)
- pick out
- pig it (out)
- played out
- play out
- point out
- poop out
- pound out
- pour out
- price out of the market
- print out
- prove out
- psych out
- pull out
- pull out all the stops
- pull out of a hat
- pull the rug out
- punch in (out)
- put one out
- put oneself out
- put out
- put out feelers
- put someone out of his or her misery
- put out to grass
- puzzle out
- rack out
- rain out
- read out of
- ride out
- right out
- right-side out
- roll out
- root out
- round off (out)
- rough out
- rub out
- rule out
- run out of
- run out on
- sack in (out)
- scare out of one's wits
- screw someone out of
- see out
- sell out
- set out
- settle (wipe out) old scores
- shell out
- ship out
- shut out
- sign out
- sing out
- single out
- sit out
- skip out
- sleep out
- slip out
- smoke out
- snap out of it
- sniff out
- snuff out
- sound out
- space out
- spell out
- spin out
- stake out
- stamp out
- stand out
- start out
- step out
- stick one's neck out
- stick out
- straighten out
- stress out
- strike out
- string out
- strung out
- swear out
- sweat out
- take a leaf out of someone's book
- take it out on
- take out
- take the wind out of someone's sails
- talked out
- talk out
- talk out of
- tease out
- tell tales (out of school)
- think out
- thrash out
- throw out
- time out
- tired out
- top out
- trick out
- trot out
- truth will out
- try out
- tuckered out
- tune out
- turn out
- wait out
- walk out
- want in (out)
- washed out
- wash out
- wear out
- weasel out
- weave in and out
- weed out
- well out of
- whacked out
- wig out
- win out
- wipe out
- work out
- worm out of
- write out
- year in, year out
- zap out
Example Sentences
Really, is it any wonder that fluoride should freak people out?
For a while yoga and pilates classes were sought out at luxury gyms like Equinox.
On Thursday, Garcetti ruled himself out of the race to succeed Boxer.
Police officials told the AP that they came out with guns blazing.
“I think for trans men who are dating every time they hook up they have another coming out,” Sandler said.
And he was gone, and out of sight on the swift galloping Benito, before Father Gaspara bethought himself.
Most of the men leaped up, caught hold of spears or knives, and rushed out.
Liszt looked at it, and to her fright and dismay cried out in a fit of impatience, "No, I won't hear it!"
The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them.
Squinty could look out, but the slats were as close together as those in a chicken coop, and the little pig could not get out.
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.