
  1. rear view of man reclining on a beach chair in front of ocean, blue filter.

    revenge travel

    Revenge travel is a slang term for leisure travel that follows a period of being unable to travel. Specifically, the term originated as a way to refer to vacationing following the lessening of COVID-19 restrictions…
  2. Balloons spelling out "FRIYAY"


    Friyay is a slang term used as an informal synonym for Friday. It’s also used as an interjection to celebrate and express joy that it’s Friday (and thus the beginning of the weekend), very similar…
  3. Let’s Go Brandon

    Let’s Go Brandon is a euphemistic phrase used by critics of US President Joe Biden to mean “Fuck Joe Biden.” On social media, the phrase is commonly used as the hashtag #LetsGoBrandon. The phrase originated…
  4. International Non-Binary People’s Day

    International Non-Binary People’s Day is a day dedicated to celebrating and supporting nonbinary people. People who identify as nonbinary are those whose gender identity does not conform to the male/female gender binary. Observance of the…
  5. dark aqua text unalive on light aqua background


    Unalive is a slang term used on social media as a replacement for the verb kill or other death-related terms, often in the context of suicide. Unalive is typically used as a way of circumventing…
  6. dark green text TFG on light green background


    TFG is an abbreviation that stands for “The Former Guy.” TFG is specifically used to refer to former US President Donald Trump as a way to avoid mentioning him by name in online posts. TFG…
  7. cutesy sign decorations in a store


    Cluttercore is an interior design aesthetic based on densely filling a space with many personal belongings and decorations, especially an eclectic assortment with intentionally contrasting visual elements. Despite the use of the word clutter, spaces…
  8. image of man pointing

    Baader-Meinhof phenomenon

    The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon (also known as the Baader-Meinhof effect or the frequency illusion) is a name for the experience of learning of or encountering something for the first time and then very soon after encountering…
  9. dark blue text trigger law on light blue background

    trigger law

    The term trigger law is an informal name for a law that is written to go into effect when a specific event or condition occurs. The term trigger law is typically used to refer to…
  10. image of large group of people

    bystander effect

    The bystander effect is a phenomenon in which an individual person is less likely to intervene or assist in an emergency, crisis, or altercation that they are witnessing due to the presence of other people…
  11. Crime scene tape, blue filter.

    CSI effect

    The CSI effect is a name for an alleged phenomenon that involves jurors having inflated expectations about the use of forensic science technology in criminal trials due to their experience with often exaggerated media depictions…
  12. Barbara Streisand house

    Streisand effect

    The Streisand effect is a name for the phenomenon in which attempts to hide, censor, or prevent access to something have the opposite result—the unintended consequence of drawing far more attention to that thing. Here…