1[ wahyz ]
- having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion.
Synonyms: intelligent, sagacious, sensible, sage
- characterized by or showing such power; judicious or prudent:
a wise decision.
Antonyms: foolish
wise in the law.
- having knowledge or information as to facts, circumstances, etc.:
We are wiser for their explanations.
- Slang. informed; in the know:
You're wise, so why not give us the lowdown?
- Archaic. having knowledge of magic or witchcraft.
verb (used with object)
- Slang. to make wise or aware:
I'll wise you, kid.
verb phrase
- Slang. to make or become aware of a secret or generally unknown fact, situation, attitude, etc.:
They wised him up on how to please the boss.
She never wised up to the fact that the joke was on her.
2[ wahyz ]
3[ wahyz ]
verb (used with object)
- Chiefly Scot.
- to instruct.
- to induce or advise.
- to show the way to; guide.
- Scot. to direct the course of; cause to turn.
4[ wahyz ]
- Isaac May·er [mahy, -er], 1819–1900, U.S. rabbi and educator, born in Bohemia: founder of Reform Judaism in the U.S.
- Stephen Samuel, 1874–1949, U.S. rabbi, theologian, and Zionist leader; born in Hungary.
5- a suffixal use of wise 2 in adverbs denoting manner, position, direction, reference, etc.:
counterclockwise; edgewise; marketwise; timewise.
1/ waɪz /
- archaic.way, manner, fashion, or respect (esp in the phrases any wise, in no wise )
2/ waɪz /
- possessing, showing, or prompted by wisdom or discernment
- prudent; sensible
- shrewd; crafty
a wise plan
- well-informed; erudite
- aware, informed, or knowing (esp in the phrase none the wiser )
- slang.postpositiveoften foll byto in the know, esp possessing inside information (about)
- archaic.possessing powers of magic
- slang.cocksure or insolent
- be wise or get wise informal.often foll by to to be or become aware or informed (of something) or to face up (to facts)
- put wise slang.often foll by to to inform or warn (of)
- See wise up
3combining form
- Also-ways indicating direction or manner
- with reference to
Confusables Note
Derived Forms
- ˈwiseness, noun
- ˈwisely, adverb
Other Words From
- wise·ly adverb
Word History and Origins
Origin of wise1
Origin of wise2
Word History and Origins
Origin of wise1
Origin of wise2
Origin of wise3
Idioms and Phrases
- get wise, Slang.
- to become informed.
- to be or become presumptuous or impertinent:
Don't get wise with me, young man!
- put / set someone wise, Slang. to inform a person; let a person in on a secret or generally unknown fact:
Some of the others put him wise to what was going on.
- wise to, Slang. familiar or aware; cognizant of; no longer deceived by a lie, confidence game, trick, or misdirection: Also beget wise to.
In the end, the investors were wise to the fraud.
More idioms and phrases containing wise
- get wise to
- none the wiser
- penny wise and pound foolish
- put wise
- sadder but wiser
- word to the wise
Example Sentences
This is the Mexico that U.S. college students would be wise to steer clear of on spring break.
I did a piece for Elle about the effort to remake her into an elegant presence fashion-wise.
Kendrick rapidly chants these last lines in repetition with Bilal and Anna Wise sing-shouting behind him, like a rallying cry.
But most women do the walk with their man, even if they later wise up and decide to leave him after all.
Florida, with its large seasonal migrations of northeasterners, is also now a wine-wise state.
The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them.
A wise man hateth not the commandments and justices, and he shall not be dashed in pieces as a ship in a storm.
She is quite true, but not wise, and your left hand must not know what your right hand is doing.
There are three things a wise man will not trust: the wind, the sunshine of an April day, and woman's plighted faith.
It's an idle question, I know; wise men and musty philosophers say that regrets are foolish.
Related Words
Words That Use -wise
What does -wise mean?
Examples of -wise
An example of a word you may have encountered that features –wise is clockwise, “in the direction of the rotation of the hands of a clock.”
The clock– part of the word refers, of course, to the device that tells time. We know that –wise means “direction.” Clockwise literally translates to “in the direction of a clock,” i.e., in rotation from the left to the right.
What are some words that use the combining form –wise?
- counterclockwise
- edgewise
- otherwise
- somewise
- stepwise
- termwise (using the equivalent form of –wise in Middle English)
What are some other forms that –wise may be commonly confused with?
Not every word that ends with the exact letters –wise, such as worldly-wise or overwise, is necessarily using the suffix –wise to denote “direction.” Learn why overwise means “too smart” at our entry for the word.
Break it down!
Given the meaning of the suffix –wise, what does edgewise mean?
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.