

View synonyms for chrysalis


[ kris-uh-lis ]


, plural chrys·a·lis·es, chry·sal·i·des [kri-, sal, -i-deez].
  1. the hard-shelled pupa of a moth or butterfly; an obtect pupa.


/ ˈkrɪsəlɪs /


  1. the obtect pupa of a moth or butterfly
  2. anything in the process of developing
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ krĭsə-lĭs /

  1. The pupa of certain kinds of insects, especially of moths and butterflies, that is inactive and enclosed in a firm case or cocoon from which the adult eventually emerges.
  2. The case or cocoon of a chrysalis.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of chrysalis1

1650–60; < Latin chrȳsalis < Greek chrȳsallís, equivalent to chrȳs- chrys- + -allis suffix, probably with diminutive value
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Word History and Origins

Origin of chrysalis1

C17: from Latin chrӯsallis, from Greek khrusallis, from khrusos gold, of Semitic origin; compare Hebrew harūz gold
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Example Sentences

Only 17 out of 390 simulated scenarios ended with Chrysalis breaking apart to create the rings.

Then add a twist when the youngest begins to emerge from the chrysalis of what appeared as an early traditional childhood gender path transforming over time into a butterfly of the opposite gender.

Chrysalis, a new line of lingerie, aims to create undergarments for transgender women.

It is hardly more than a hundred thousand years since terrestrial humanity evolved itself from the animal chrysalis.

In Leeming-street it was in the chrysalis state; in Fishergate the butterfly epoch has been reached.

As I look back I seem to myself to have been only a chrysalis.

Why remember the chrysalis after the butterfly is in the air?

This often lasts for two hours or more; it might be said that the cream remains in chrysalis, and refuses to butterfly!




