
View synonyms for count



[ kount ]

verb (used with object)

  1. to check over (the separate units or groups of a collection) one by one to determine the total number; add up; enumerate:

    He counted his tickets and found he had ten.

  2. to reckon up; calculate; compute.
  3. to list or name the numerals up to:

    Close your eyes and count ten.

  4. to include in a reckoning; take into account:

    There are five of us here, counting me.

  5. to consider or regard:

    He counted himself lucky to have survived the crash.

  6. Archaic. to reckon to the credit of another; ascribe; impute.

verb (used without object)

  1. to count the items of a collection one by one in order to determine the total:

    She counted three times before she was satisfied that none was missing.

  2. to list or name numerals in order:

    to count to 100 by fives.

  3. to reckon numerically.
  4. to have a specified numerical value.
  5. to be accounted or worth something:

    That first try didn't count—I was just practicing.

  6. to have merit, importance, value, etc.; deserve consideration:

    Every bit of help counts.

  7. to have worth; amount (usually followed by for ):

    Intelligence counts for something.


  1. the act of counting; enumeration; reckoning; calculation:

    A count of hands showed 23 in favor and 16 opposed.

  2. the number representing the result of a process of counting; the total number.
  3. an accounting.
  4. Baseball. the number of balls and strikes, usually designated in that order, that have been called on a batter during a turn at bat:

    a count of two balls and one strike.

  5. Law. a distinct charge or theory of action in a declaration or indictment:

    He was found guilty on two counts of theft.

  6. Textiles.
    1. a number representing the size or quality of yarn, especially the number based on the relation of weight to length of the yarn and indicating its degree of coarseness.
    2. the number of warp and filling threads per square inch in woven material, representing the texture of the fabric.
  7. Bowling. the number of pins struck down by the first ball rolled by a bowler in the frame following a spare and included in the score for the frame in which the spare was made.
  8. Physics.
    1. a single ionizing reaction registered by an ionization chamber, as in a Geiger counter.
    2. the indication of the total number of ionizing reactions registered by an ionization chamber in a given period of time.
  9. the count, Boxing. the calling aloud by the referee of the seconds from 1 to 10 while a downed boxer remains off his feet. Completion of the count signifies a knockout, which the referee then declares: Also called the full count.

    A hard right sent the challenger down for the count.

  10. Archaic. regard; notice.


  1. noting a number of items determined by an actual count:

    The box is labeled 50 count.

verb phrase

  1. (often used imperatively, as in the army) to count aloud by turns, as to arrange positions within a group of persons; divide or become divided into groups:

    Close up ranks and count off from the left by threes.

  2. to include:

    If you're going to the beach, count me in.

    1. Boxing. to declare (a boxer) a loser because of inability to stand up before the referee has counted 10 seconds.
    2. to exclude:

      When it comes to mountain climbing, count me out.

    3. to count and apportion or give out:

      She counted out four cookies to each child.

    4. to disqualify (ballots) illegally in counting, in order to control the election.
  3. to count backward, usually by ones, from a given integer to zero.
  4. to depend or rely on:

    You can always count on him to lend you money.



[ kount ]


  1. (in some European countries) a nobleman equivalent in rank to an English earl.



/ kaʊnt /


  1. to add up or check (each unit in a collection) in order to ascertain the sum; enumerate

    count your change

  2. tr to recite numbers in ascending order up to and including
  3. troften foll byin to take into account or include

    we must count him in

  4. not counting
  5. tr to believe to be; consider; think; deem

    count yourself lucky

  6. intr to recite or list numbers in ascending order either in units or groups

    to count in tens

  7. intr to have value, importance, or influence

    this picture counts as a rarity

  8. introften foll byfor to have a certain specified value or importance

    the job counts for a lot

  9. intr music to keep time by counting beats
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. the act of counting or reckoning
  2. the number reached by counting; sum
  3. law a paragraph in an indictment containing a distinct and separate charge
  4. physics the total number of photons or ionized particles detected by a counter
  5. keep count
    to keep a record of items, events, etc
  6. lose count
    to fail to keep an accurate record of items, events, etc
  7. boxing wrestling the act of telling off a number of seconds by the referee, as when a boxer has been knocked down or a wrestler pinned by his opponent
  8. out for the count
    boxing knocked out and unable to continue after a count of ten by the referee
  9. take the count
    boxing to be unable to continue after a count of ten
  10. archaic.
    notice; regard; account
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ kaʊnt /


  1. a nobleman in any of various European countries having a rank corresponding to that of a British earl
  2. any of various officials in the late Roman Empire and under various Germanic kings in the early Middle Ages
  3. a man who has received an honour ( papal knighthood ) from the Pope in recognition of good deeds, achievements, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˈcountˌship, noun
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Other Words From

  • half-count·ed adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of count1

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English verb counten, compten, from Anglo-French c(o)unter, Old French conter, from Latin computāre “to count up, reckon”; Middle English noun counte, conte, compte, from Anglo-French c(o)unte, Old French conte, cunte, from Late Latin computus “calculation, reckoning,” noun derivative of computāre compute ( def )

Origin of count2

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English counte. comite, counete, from Anglo-French c(o)unte, Old French conte, comte, from Late Latin comitem, accusative of comes honorary title of various imperial functionaries, Latin: “retainer, staff member,” literally, ”companion”; comes
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Word History and Origins

Origin of count1

C14: from Anglo-French counter, from Old French conter, from Latin computāre to calculate, compute

Origin of count2

C16: from Old French conte, from Late Latin comes occupant of a state office, from Latin: overseer, associate, literally: one who goes with, from com- with + īre to go
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Idioms and Phrases

More idioms and phrases containing count

  • down for the count
  • every minute counts
  • out for (the count)
  • stand up and be counted
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Example Sentences

Before the pandemic struck, mail-in states such as California were already counting slowly.

The court declined to rule with the Democrats on requiring election workers to give voters a chance to fix deficient ballots or count ballots that arrive without a secret envelope.

There are a few important caveats to keep in mind when examining Europe’s surging coronavirus case count.

From Vox

They try to subvert the accuracy of census counts, and block the use of safe voting methods in the middle of a pandemic.

From Vox

California is one of those states, and if you show up without the one they sent you, you might have to fill out a provisional ballot, which will be counted once the election office confirms your eligibility and that you haven’t already voted.

In other words, the free speech exhibited by the folks at Charlie Hebdo was not virtuous—until there was a body count.

The Walking Dead piled up an impressive body count in 2014, with Lizzie, Hershel, and Beth among its major casualties.

But as one Jordanian intelligence source told The Daily Beast, “we know ISIS and we know that for it women do not normally count.”

I do not believe we have a current count of fugitives for publication, but will inquire.

The ad would then count as a coordinated communication and would be subject to strict spending limits.

When the reserve transfers are completed checks in transit can no longer count as reserves.

Francesco Bussone di Carmagnola, count de Castlenuovo, executed.

This is a big country, but you can count on the fingers of one hand the places where a man can spend money.

He was thrashed at home by Aunty Rosa on the same count, and then the placard was produced.

So, madame, I count upon your influence with mademoiselle to see that she is ready to set out by noon to-morrow.


Related Words

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.



