
  1. cis

    Cis is short for cisgender, which refers to when a person's gender identity corresponds to their sex as assigned at birth. Cisgender is the opposite of transgender.
  2. In My Feelings Challenge

    The In My Feelings Challenge is the name for a viral dance trend in which people dance outside of an open car door to the song "In My Feelings" by rapper Drake.
  3. if you can’t handle me at my worst

    If you can't handle me at my worst ... you don't deserve me at my best. This expression is a meme in which people pair a bad image with a better counterpart, used by people to…
  4. manosphere

    Are you a meninist? Advocate of men’s rights? Just plain hate womankind? Then the manosphere might be the place for you! As for the rest of the population, y'all probably wanna steer clear … The…
  5. I’m bored

    I'm bored is a common way for kids (and internet users) to complain about their lack of interest in what's going on around them. It's often seen in expressions like I'm bored by/to/of/with (something). You must…
  6. queer

    While queer has historically meant "strange" or "odd," the word is more often used as a slur against—but also since reclaimed as a self-identifier—for non-heterosexual or non-cisgender people. Content warning: this article contains with offensive…
  7. MSM

    MSM means "mainstream media." It is often used to describe media outlets, like newspapers and news shows, that are widely viewed and accepted by most people and that are generally seen as reliable. Some people believe…
  8. 10-4

    Roger that! 10-4 is a way of saying "message received" in radio communications. It's also used as a way to "you got it."
  9. Florence Nightingale Effect

    The Florence Nightingale Effect explains why caregivers sometimes develop romantic and/or sexual feelings for their patients. Also known as Nightingale Syndrome, it is sometimes used to explain why caregivers show empathy and compassion for patients,…
  10. 🍱 Bento Box emoji

    The bento box emoji, 🍱, represents a traditional Japanese boxed lunch, called a bento box, or a meal at a Japanese restaurant in the same style. It's used for such lunches and meals, as well…
  11. duck lips

    duck lips

    In photographs, some women—and men—pucker their lips in way likened to the bill of duck, and so we call it duck lips. The pose became a much-mocked meme in the 2000s. 🦆🦆
  12. Tunechi


    Tunechi, or Lil Tunechi, is a nickname for Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., AKA Lil Wayne, the famous American rapper. Tunechi is also a slang term for synthetic marijuana, sometimes called spice or K2.