
  1. ride the snake

    ride the snake

    To ride the snake is to use powerful drugs or have a hallucinatory experience on them. As a humorous colloquialism, ride the snake refers to engaging in risky behaviors likened to doing intense drugs.
  2. brake check

    brake check

    A brake check is the unsafe action of applying a car's brakes to dissuade a driver who is following too closely. To brake check someone is to perform such an action.
  3. Ethereum


    Ethereum is a blockchain computer program similar to Bitcoin. It can be used to create automated contracts or circulate a digital currency called Ether.
  4. supercut


    A supercut is the name for a compilation of short video clips, usually from film or TV, highlighting some theme or motif.
  5. whatsapp


    WhatsApp is a free mobile messaging application, massively used for international messaging and voice calls.
  6. orange background with peach emoji on it

    🍑 Peach emoji

    The peach emoji depicts a round, fleshy, orange peach. It is mainly used to represent a butt in digital communication, and so is more commonly called the butt emoji.
  7. I mean

    I mean

    The expression I mean is variously used in conversation as a filler phrase; an emphasis marker; a way to reorganize, clarify, or qualify a thought; or to express disbelief or disapproval.  
  8. radass


    Radass is a slang term meaning "awesome."
  9. fifi


    Fifi is a prison slang term for an artificial vagina made from whatever materials are available.
  10. spare time

    spare time

    Spare time is free, personal, or leisure time outside of one's work, school, or other primary obligations.
  11. GNews


    GNews is a news notification program for the Google Chrome internet browser. It was also a punning catchphrase of a wildebeest (gnu) character from a 1980s TV puppet show.
  12. Trumpcare


    Trumpcare is the name applied to various healthcare plans proposed by President Donald Trump or by Republicans during his presidency.